Coq D’Argent Review
Arriving at Coq D’Argent we were treated a bit like royalty as Andrew the assistant bar manager greeted us and gave us a tour of the restaurant, bar and roof top garden. Andrew and Pete, the bar manager had chosen us three cocktails from their new cocktail menu.
The place Beyond the Pina, a vodka based cocktail with Kaffer Wine Leaves, Blackberry, Pineapple, lime juice and vanilla syrup. Given the warm summer’s day, our first cocktail was the perfect one to end the day with. Fruity and refreshing, it didn’t last long in our glasses at all.
Next up was the Valletta, a rum based cocktail with fresh raspberries, lime juice, chocolate bitters and egg white. It was another summery cocktail and the fresh raspberries were delicious against the tang of the lime juice and chocolate bitters.
While enjoying the Valletta, we were provided with two of Coq D’Argent’s best selling new bar snacks which have been created by Head Chef Damien Rigollet. The Charcuterie was a light snack but it was the Mini Croques Monsieur that was the real winner tonight. I love a toasted ham and cheese sandwhich… and this was a fancier version. We would have loved to try the Escargots with garlic and parsley butter or the Baked Camembert, but we may have to keep that until next time.
We then went outside to the gorgeous rooftop garden for our last two cocktails of the evening created with Moët and Chandon Champagne. The view from the garden is just spectacular. Definitely the great way to end an enjoyable evening.
Even if you’ve been to Coq D’Argent before, it’s worth going again even just to sit at the newly designed bar for a drink. Inside the restaurant the bar has been transformed into a Parisian bar. With gorgeous brass, bronze glass, and concealed lighting designed to illuminate the whiskey bottles on display. The bar is a work of art.
Reporter: Tegan Lebon
Twitter and Instragram: Toogs1
Address: Coq d’Argent, No.1 Poultry, London EC2R 8EJ
Website: www.coqdargent.co.uk
Phone: 020 7395 5000
Twitter: @CoqdArgent1 Instagram: @coqdargent Facebook: Coqdargent