NRG Networks and Mastermind
Want to start your New Year with a bang? Why not attend the NRG Network and Mastermind event? Hear from awesome business speakers and also put in place goals for how you will dominate in 2013. The event takes place on January 8th, which is perfect for getting a head…
Lessons from the Top
“Everyone tells stories. It’s one of the ways we connect with our friends and families. It’s how we impress people when we apply for jobs and university places. It’s what we do on Facebook and Twitter, and even how we go about the business of dating and finding a partner.…
Urbano Network Event
Urbano Network, London’s most innovative business network, holds regular networking events in central London. Urbano’s London networking events are open to all companies regardless of size, sector or area. Urbano Network’s London networking events calendar includes two networking lunches each month held in fine restaurants and hotels in central London,…
Hip Hop Karaoke
Yes its that time again, when you get on the mic and sing nonsense with your mates! Only difference is this is Hiphop karaoke and its ten times better than normal karaoke. Now you can stop pretending to be 50 Cent in the club and sing Candyshop on the mic.…
Walking With Dinosaurs
Now this is off the hook! Large scale dinosaurs walking around, its fantastic. If you loved Jurassic Park but don’t like the idea of being eaten by a TRex then this show is for you. Its a perfect night out with the boys, you can take a date but make…