Jubel Review
Jubel is a brand new lager that is not only gluten free but completely vegan and only 125 calories 4% ABV. The South West brewed lager was created by 25 year old best friends, Jesse Wilson (from London) and Tom Jordan (from Cornwall) and launched in May 2017. It is also now available in London Bars and Restaurants.
Jubel comes in two flavours, Jubel Alpine (Peach) and Jubel Urban (Elderflower). We were lucky enough to be sent both flavours so we could let our readers know our true thoughts on both lagers.
JUBEL ALPINE (Peach) is described as having a ‘light gold complexion with a distinctly peach aroma and background grain and yeast notes. The initial taste is crisp, fresh peaches balanced with some classic pilsner character. The fruit is well integrated with a cleanly hopped lager of low bitterness to deliver a lightbodied, refreshing lager with a lasting fruity finish’.
Our verdict:The peach flavour was a nice touch and wasn’t what I expected when I first cracked open the bottle. Definitely less heavy than regular larger.
JUBEL URBAN (Elderflower) is described as having ‘a light gold complexion with a distinctly elderflower aroma and background grain and yeast notes. The initial taste is fresh elderflower balanced with a cleanly hopped lager of low bitterness to deliver a light lager with a dry finish’.
Our verdict: I preferred this one to the peach flavoured lager, it was extremely refreshing and perfect for this summer weather we’ve been having lately here in London.
For those that can’t have gluten or find lagers too heavy, this gluten free light alternative is a great option. Perfectly refreshing with more of a cider taste than beer – I was certainly impressed and will find myself stocking my fridge with these. JUBEL (RRP: £4.50 – £5.50) is already available at Fuller’s pubs, The Stable and The Big Chill, and is available to purchase on Amazon.co.uk (Peach) and (Elderflower) for nationwide delivery. They’re a little bit cheaper if bought in bulk at £24.99 for 12 bottles. That’s just over £2 a bottle.
Written by Chloe Mills.