Review: Boomf Magical Mallows – Confectionary for the Digital Age
I’m sure I’m not the only one who loves giving personal gifts. You know the ones that make your pals realise you’ve actually put some thought into it rather than just popping into Tesco to pick up a shrub (coz that’s what everyone does for prezzies right? Okay maybe not the best example…)
But honestly there are only so many photo frames, collages or cards embedded with IOU’S that one person can give out. It’s round 23 on the birthday scene therefore my unconventional prezzie hunting nose needs to step up a gear.
Thankfully thanks to an ONIN friend Lottie some Boomf magical mallows landed on my lap.
The Boomf chaps have taken personalised prezzies, added a pinch of trendy technology and a sprinkle of edible ingenuity and come up with a modern solution.
Marshmallows with you’re fave Instagram photos printed on them. Crazy huh!? Crazy brilliant!
I was initially sceptical about the quality and how detailed said printing g could be, however when the little fluffy parcels arrived through my door I was pleasantly surprised. I had chosen a number of funky ONIN pics to test the Boomf chaps and the quality wAs incredibly good on the printing side if things. Plus when you played fluffy bunnies (see here) they were pretty darn yumtacular too!
SO how can YOU get your hands on some of these ooey gooey mallows?
1. Go to
2. Upload your fave pics from Instagram, facebook or your desktop
3. Choose 9 of you fave Instagram pics (or you’re friends ones!)
4. Checkout
5. Wait for your box to land with a ‘boomf’ on your doorstep!
Pop down to Selfridges where the guys have set up shop!!!
Happy Boomf-ing guys!
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @Boomf
Facebook: /Boomfmallows
Reporter: Aspen Glencross @GollumCrackCorn