Secret Cinema: Presents Stranger Things review

In a secret location somewhere in London a gathering is taking place. For some, a homage to their forgotten youth, for others, a chance to experience a decade they never lived. To all, a stylish and expertly executed journey into a world of lies, cover ups and sinister twists.
It’s circa 1985 in Hawkins, Indiana and 4th July celebrations are underway. The air is thick with hairspray and bubblegum, the double denim is out in force, and the neon sign of Starcourt Mall, illuminating the entrance with it’s menacing glow, indicates that you are in for a night of nostalgia and fun underpinned by the inevitable threat that something is afoot.
Far from secret cinema’s first outing. The attention to detail is what you have come to expect as you walk through the doors and are transported right into an episode.
The actors are immaculate and help immerse you from the offset, guiding you to interact and talk to the various characters to learn their secrets and stories. Something isn’t right in Hawkins and it’s up to you to find out as much or as little as you care to. You may find yourself talking to other attendees of the evening and finding out other clues which only adds to the full immersion of the evening.
For those who get carried away into the story of the evening, you may forget to spend your hard earned cash at one of Hawkins many bars and food stalls. But one thing is for sure, the more you explore, the higher the chance of bumping into some of your favourite characters acting out scenes from the series.
Arrive early to take full advantage of the tasks at hand before the hordes have the same idea and want to talk to the same people, you may find yourself queueing up and missing out on some of the drama that is unfolding in one of Hawkins key areas.
As the evening progresses, the celebrations become more charged. The crowd of 80s party goers, charged with the excitement of being in their favourite TV show set, on edge from the frequent interruptions and high on anticipation are gradually guided towards the evenings crescendo. In previous versions of Secret Cinema, this would be a screening of your favourite film. This is different. This is where things get dark. A large dark room provides a theatrical mash-up playing homage to the Stranger Things story so far, and its Secret Cinema’s most ambitious finale yet.We would tell you more but they would have to kill us.This evening is slick with impressive production and superb casting, and for us didn’t disappoint. If we could give one tip beforehand…..take a notepad and pen…
Running until February 2020
Tickets can be purchase here: https://www.secretcinema.org
Written by Rick Hartley
Photography by Luke Dyson © Secret Cinema