Shout out to the Companies donating to the NHS staff
We wanted to give a shout out the the NHS staff and key workers and also to the companies donating food, drinks and essential equipment to those on the front line.
If you work for the NHS, firstly THANK YOU SO MUCH, we all appreciate your hard work and services in helping save lives in this difficult time. As a gesture of appreciation for your hard work, below are offerings from brands to the NHS medical staff.

Ladurée sells delicious macaron boxes, confectionary products, chocolates, candles and hampers, we are huge fans here! They are generously donating Easter Eggs, Macarons and PPE via the Hospitality for Heroes charity charity and to Chelsea & Westminster and The Royal London Hospital to thank NHS for all the hard work.
Although their shops are closed, you can still order online: www.laduree.co.uk

Dashel sells stylish recyclable helmets, they are donating 20 helmets to key NHS workers. Plus for every helmet bought online from their website, Dashel will donate an additional helmet to a key NHS worker.

NHS Hero Support
NHS Hero Support – founded in March by a group of volunteer professionals – is delivering crowdfunded and donated PPE to frontline staff, setting up supply chains, and developing new ways to help health teams across the UK tackle the transmission of the covid-19 coronavirus. Health professionals can contact them via their website – www.nhsherosupport.co.uk to tell them how they can help.
They are currently raising money via https://uk.gofundme.com/f/nhs-heroes-support. Every pound you donate helps protect an NHS Hero in their work.

Fully Charged
Fully Charged, leading electric bike retailer, is providing eBikes to NHS workers for free.
The initiative will provide doctors and nurses with a safer, healthier alternative to using public transport for their commute in the capital. Each bike comes with lights, mudguards and a lock. The bikes can be hired for three months at no charge.
NHS workers can sign up here: https://promo.fullycharged.com/nhs-support