Starting a Business and the Feelings Involved
Vulnerability is a part of our everyday lives. Women who aim to go into business tend to feel this emotion; some of the questions I asked when I embarked on my journey of creating the social enterprise, Divas On Demand ( who would listen to me? Will it go smoothly? Will I make a difference? Would I make my daughter proud? What would people think about me not following my degree path?
When I set out to create Divas On Demand my main focuses were to unite women who were likeminded, who were purpose driven and who shared the same vision. I wanted to connect them with their passions and connect them with the people who could help them in their everyday and business lives. I was particularity worried about who would listen to me, little old me. Those who are waiting to have a particular conversation, take a new leaf, start a new business, begin a new relationship, change careers or start a family can resonate with feeling of vulnerability.
One of the first things I found difficult to do and still do is work less and be just as affective. I have heard it all. People would always say don’t work too hard, don’t burn yourself out or take a break. This is very necessary being a woman in business. Especially if you have a family or if you are religious, you need to be able to manage your time and make time for what is important, whether it is your higher power, out with your family or just by yourself. It is important to make time for yourself and indulging in what you enjoy. This could be taking a spa break, reading a book, catching up with your favourite television show or catching up with friends. Taking a break or doing any of the above doesn’t make you lazy or vulnerable it just mean you know when it is time for everything else that is important in your life to be acknowledged.
The most fulfilling feeling to experience in your business is when your actions, your services or your business has affected someone in a positive light. People showing you appreciation for something you or your services have done will keep you going until the next person shows gratitude. This emotion humbles you; it makes you appreciative and sometimes even emotional. Knowing that you haven’t worked in vain, you have changed someone’s life or someone’s perspective is very fulfilling. This will not be experiences if you always forget that YOU are number one and you need to take care of you.
The beauty of setting up a business is not just in working as and when you want, but in actually being able to make decisions, make choices and help someone. It shows innovation, creativity and vulnerability. I read a book called ‘Daring Greatly’ by Brene Brown. In this book she describes vulnerability as the core of all emotion and feelings. If you think being vulnerable is weakness then so are feelings. However, according to defines vulnerability is as a state of being vulnerable or exposed. Being exposed only means that new things will be allowed in and it will change you whether for the good or for the bad. Thus, if you have been contemplating starting a business, step out of fear and into faith today.
Looking for business, finance, investment or volunteering opportunities in West Africa? Then please attend ‘The emerging west Africa’ event by Divas On Demand next event on Friday 30th August from 5pm. Get your tickets and more information here >>>> or contact [email protected]