Vol 6: Brumbridge takes on Vodafone for ignoring him!
Dennis Brumbridge expects the best and he has recently discovered Twitter. Each week we publish Dennis’ demands to real companies and their genuine responses.
It all began with one polite request that I put on the work noticeboard…
And all that day I checked my phone to see if anyone new started following me. And nada… Then at five-to-five I did one final check. And what did I see? My number of followers had actually gone down!
That’s when I ripped my phone in half.
Not proud of it at all (especially considering I was on a sim-only contract). But sometimes a man needs some attention. So once I calmed myself I ordered a new phone. Except it didn’t arrive right away…
(It’s only now I realise that the cow might be sacred over there. Still he seemed keen at the time…)
Truth is, I had already done this and was told my name had been flagged on their system. I heard ‘handset munchausens’ muttered at one point. Unbelievable.
Honestly after three weeks with no phone I was craving human contact. At work, I am somewhat isolated in my corner office. I’ve told my manager I am happy to work with my lowlier colleagues but he insists we are kept apart. Probably to use me as a lone, taciturn inspirer of man (and woman). I get it… but still.
This was the second time they’d asked me to follow them. There wouldn’t be a third…
Sorry Vodafone, you blew it. Consider me Charlize Theron to your Sean Penn – #ghosted
Next week, Brumbridge goes right to the top to get his superhero story green-lit!
… Follow Dennis on Twitter @BrumbridgeD