Discover your Genetic Blueprint at Get A Drip
Health boosting drips, longevity treatments and more…
When I think of drips, I immediately think of glamorous and beautiful celebrities, being administered all the elite vitamins in the world to give them that impossible glow. Drips certainly aren’t only reserved for the rich and famous, however.
In fact, Get A Drip has been leading the way with incredible drip packages and treatments for as long as I can remember. From hydration drips, to energy, vitamin boosting and anti-ageing options, there is a complex drip for everyone. At the start of my experience with the team at Get a Drip, I decided to give one a go to see if they were worth the hype.
I actually went for the Calm Drip that promised to give me the serenity I deserve. The unique blend included a range of essential vitamins and minerals, from magnesium to choline. I left feeling bouncy and light and slept like a baby that night – so perhaps there is something in this after all. At £200.00 for the drip, it’s pricey, but I can’t deny the positive after effects I felt.

Discovering my genetic blueprint
Whilst at Get A Drip, I noticed a new service. Get A Drip have partnered with Lifecode Gx®, the leading experts in nutrigenomics testing and education, to bring you Silver and Gold DNA Tests – applying the latest genomics science to enable a preventative, proactive and personalised approach to health.
Wow, I was seriously impressed and very intrigued. Coming from a family with a range of intolerances and deficiencies, I thought, this was the test for me. Each comprehensive DNA Test report includes unique colour-coded pathway diagrams to provide easy to digest visual summaries, alongside in-depth insights into the risks or protective potential of each genotype.
Once signed up, I simply gave a blood sample which was fast and painless, taken by a very friendly nurse. It took a couple of weeks to get the results back. Once they came, they were split into multiple documents – including a full summary, a nutrient core report, a detoxification report and a methylation report.
I’ll be honest, the reports were quite overwhelming with a whole series of medical jargon, and colour coded systems that can be a little bit scary. There’s nothing to worry about though, as following the test you are offered a free 30-minute consultation with a GMC Registered Doctor to talk through and discuss your results, providing a detailed account. This enables a deep, holistic understanding and identification of the lifestyle changes that will be most effective.
My session with Doctor Matthew Calcasola, GP and Chief Medical Officer at Get A Drip, was super clear. The doctor was knowledgeable and happy to answer my endless stream of questions. What perhaps was most interesting, was your summary report clearly indicates Vitamins that are showing Amber and Red. This means your body is incapable of absorbing these Vitamins in your daily diet and indicates the best areas to supplement.
Nobody would be surprised that I was highly deficient in Vitamin D for example – any excuse to get a holiday booked. Some other interesting findings included a nod to the fact that I’m no longer sensitive to lactose which is a very long journey I’ve been on separately with a private nutritionist, so it was great to see that work has been impactful.
Following your results, the GMC registered doctors craft a bespoke treatment plan to take on at Get a Drip itself. They put together three different hyper-personalised treatment packages at different price points. I decided to go for the Gold standard treatment which was a Basic Hydration Drip + Vitamin B complex, L-Carnitine, Glutamine and Triple B12. Of course, everyone’s treatment suggestion will be different, but I can’t begin to explain the after effects. I felt rested, hydrated and fully revitalised.
Get A Drip offer the UK’s most versatile and accessible complement of vitamin drips and intramuscular (IM) booster shots, including over 15 different IV vitamin drips affording benefits spanning tiredness and fatigue, sleep, metabolism, immune function, anti-ageing, hair and skin health, fitness and more, alongside intramuscular (IM) booster shots and a diagnostics arm, so there really is something for everyone.
Alongside my drip, I opted for an extra Vitamin D Booster Shot with ALA / Glutathione. During my treatment, the insightful nurse told me that in the UK, more than 50% of the population don’t make enough Vitamin D, and in the winter the Government advises that we should all supplement with Vitamin D because most of us are deficient. This made me feel a lot better about my deficiency.
For those who don’t know what ALA and Glutathione are (ie. Me), Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Glutathione are powerful antioxidants that helps protect your body’s cells against oxidative damage and environmental toxins, helping converting glucose into energy for your cells to use.
I was incredibly impressed by all of the treatments I received at Get a Drip. The staff were approachable, knowledgeable and friendly and the space that I visited on the King’s Road, was relaxing, clean and spacious. I would highly recommend the DNA test, particularly if you have genetic questions you would love the answers to. They start from £400.00 which admittedly is on the costly side, but as mentioned, I couldn’t fault the experience.
If general drips are more your bag, the range available cover all sorts of bodily improvements, from hair and nail treatments to rehydration and more. IV drips rebalance the body’s natural vitamin levels helping to cleanse it of toxins, boost the immune system, replenish energy levels and optimise your day-to-day wellbeing. It is a procedure that is fast acting and effective because it bypasses the gastrointestinal tract, meaning that 100% of vitamins and nutrients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. What’s not to love?
To find out more, visit www.getadrip.com