Half Term Holiday Fun With Bespoke Beauty
Looking for something to do with the kids this February Half Term? Then check out Bespoke Beauty’s Bath Bomb Workshop!
This creative, colourful and fun workshop with enhance the senses. It’s a positive activity which helps engage parents with their children, allows children to develop their fine motor skills further and learn a new craft. Bespoke Beauty is an independent all organic Skin Care Range and here at OnIn.London we’re fans of their lovely products! So are super intrigued by their workshop… not to mention a little jealous! Can they run workshops for adults soon?
The workshop is priced at £20 on the 21.02.2020 10:30 -12:00 at the Grove neighbourhood centre in Hammersmith and each child will take home 2-3 bath bombs per child. So an absolute bargain!
It is important to note that during this 90 minute workshop each paying child must be accompanied by adult (who attends the workshop free of charge). Light refreshments will be provided.
Please see attached use this link to book space! Get your tickets now as it’s bound to sell out!