Learn to cook Spanish style at Pizarro on Bermondsey Street – and it’s free!
On Saturday 28th June Londoners are invited to join Jose Pizarro at his critically acclaimed Bermondsey Street restaurant, Pizarro, to gain an insight into achieving authentic Spanish cuisine at home.
At each of the three sessions, Jose and his team of experts will create an array of delicious Spanish dishes for guests to sample, offering cooking tips and advice along the way. All of the dishes will be cooked using superior olive oils from Spain courtesy of The Good Life Embassy.
Each session will last an hour and a half and will include:
· 10.30am – 12:00pm – Spanish Brunch
· 1.00pm – 2:30pm – Spanish lunch tapas
· 3.00pm – 4:30pm – Spanish ‘tea’ and cocktails
There are 50 places available for each slot which will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To apply for a place for you and a friend simply email goodlife.embassyuk@