Oliva Tweest
A two day vibrant and sold out show performed in the heart of Hackney, and also in the heart of the motherland. I had heard of the catchy show name ‘Oliva Tweest’ was performing in the over 10-year-old Hackney Empire about a year ago, through constant promotion and advertising via Twitter, Instagram and from the likes of London Live’s ‘Tboy Show’ main character Tolulope Ogunmefun. I’ve always admired the originality of his jokes via his YouTube page (YouTube: DntJealousMe). Seeing how much he has grown in his craft is truly inspiring and one of the many reasons why I remain motivated to follow my dreams.
Oliva Tweest is an incredibly thought out theatrical concept, created by commercial theatre producer Yinka Ayinde (Twitter: @PureYinkz). I was surprised by how such a young man could think so dynamically and create such a vibrant show. You would be silly not to move about in your seat during show time. The impeccable singing voices and musical team were on point.
Every actor, dancer, singer, and performer blended so magnificently to create a show that took me back to the beautiful motherland that is Nigeria. The acting scenes with the random phrases in Yoruba almost gave me stomach cramps. Laughter, pure smiles and applauds throughout the show.
I saw a mix of everyone in the crowd, showing that African shows appeal to worldwide audiences, and no longer niche. I wish I could name all names of the specially talented individuals that night, they were ALL amazing! From the dancers with the incredibly toned bodies and flawless dance moves, to the duo I spotted a year ago on YouTube due to their overly skilled azonto and antenna moves which bagged them over two million views!
Tommy Xpensive also blew the crowd with his quick footwork and banterous character, he is also proof that tall boys know how to shake it African style. He’s an aspiring actor and such an enthusiastic performer judging by his various Instagram videos (Instagram: tommy_xpensive)
I left Oliva Tweest feeling even more inspired. The fact is, as a person (not black, African, etc) but as a PERSON. I have aspirations. We all have several aspirations and dreams that we hope to accomplish. It’s simple; success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up, with goals so strong that obstacles, failure, and loss only act as motivation.
Stay inspired everyone! Oliva Tweest: 11/10.
Reporter: Hannah Journo @hannah_ajala