Street Feast – Tuck into Dalston Street Food Style
I love east London. With its nutty bars, rooftop venues & bizzaro style there’s never a dull moment. I’ve had generous handful of good evenings there in my time in London so far. So imagine my excitement when I discovered ‘Street Feast’ was heading to Dalston Yard for a 9 weekend stint! Anything with the word ‘feast’ in it has to be worth getting enthused about right!?
Street Feast (@StreetFeastLDN) is basically a eclectic market full to the brim with food, booze and music that runs on a Friday night (but kippers more than welcome!) and a Saturday (all day feast) from the 19th July.As mother Glencross was up visiting from Cornishland and I was in ‘off the beaten track’ London mode, we moseyed on down for the opening night ~6pm, tummies rumbling and ready for action! Luckily for us the Yard is plonked right near Dalston Junction (Abi’s navigation = zero), and we were pointed in the right direction by a friendly chap.
The yard was already starting to fill when we arrived, we were quite surprised by the security! But they were friendly happy chappys. So in we went, and immediately split up in search of two top notch noshing establishments.
There was a diverse yet not overwhelming choice (my decision making is bad at the best of times), but out first port of call was an easy selection.
Anna Maes – Southern Street Food (@Anna_Maes)
Mac N Cheese, Kanye Western – £6.50 – Good old mac N (3) cheese, topped with hotdogs, bacon bits and BBQ sauce. SOLD! I have to say it didn’t disappoint. Creamy mac N cheese with a tangy BBQ sauce, awesome!The second choice was a bit tougher. There was delicious smelling naans (@RolaWala), spicy jerk chicken (@Mamasjerk), salted beef bagels @brisketbel) and Man vs. Food’s Adam Richman’s recommended ‘The Rib Man (@theribman)’ (I am literally in love with this guy, much love @AdamRichman to name but a few.
But after scouring the yard our dessert craving got the best of us and we headed to…..
The Sweet Tooth Factory – Sweet Treats! (@SweetToothFctry)
Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, Raspberry cheescake brownie. About £3 a pop.
Blimin’ good dessert I have to say. Sadly the stand was set up in the corner so I am not sure they got the exposure their food and service deserved!
One thing I noticed was the camaraderie between businesses. When I walked over The Rib Man was swapping his rib sarnie wares for a pudding at The Sweet Tooth Factory. It was great to see a bit of light hearted bartering
Music, food and sunshine. What better way to spend a Friday evening? Street Feast brings together old and young alike to chill after a busy week in the city. The delicious aroma of food & buzz of conversation fills the yard. I’m looking forward to taking a few friends down there next week, sights set on the Rotary’s £10 ‘bucket’ cocktail

Oh and a massive bonus (this is important for when the ‘seal’ is broken), the loos were proper clean and appropriately decorate top stuff.
After Hours: Maybe head over to the Arcola Theatre and see a unconventional performance? We watched E8EH’s ‘The Vacuum Cleaner‘ (@VacuumTheFringe). An interesting mix. Half the time we didn’t totally understand what was going on, the other half had us crying with laughter! Or if you’re about with a group of chums and are feeling summery head up to Dalston Roof Park (@DalstonRoofPark) for a drink and a surprise evenings entertainment (maybe some fat Buddha yoga??).
Street Feast runs for 9 weeks from 19th/20th July
Friday: 5pm – Midnight
Saturday: Noon – Midnight
Closest Train: Dalston Kingsland (Overground)