High Society: The Finale
Years ago Joe discovered the trick to coming up trumps: be the puppeteer, not the puppet. No one saw the man pulling the strings but he saw everything. So there Joe crouched, lurking in the shadows of Victoria Embankment, waiting for his puppets to arrive. For one puppet had in…
High Society: Albert Chapter 3
“Take me to the sea!” Albert shouted as he jumped into a taxi. Albert had become more impulsive with age, and why not indeed? Today he longed to stand on a pier and watch the waves crash against the rocks. He’d enjoyed doing this with his late wife for…
High Society: Part 6
MELODY In retrospect, choosing the Cinderella umbrella was probably her first mistake considering what happened when the clock struck midnight in that particular fairytale- gallant horses turned back into mice and glittering white coaches turned back into pumpkins. “That’s what I am, a pumpkin. Or I’m about to be.” thought…
High Society Part 2
** Follow our collaborative story with new amazing writers every week ** Albert If you were to study Albert you would think him a distinguished chap and thinker of wise thoughts. The truth, however, was that Albert was more vacant than the audience of a Right Said Fred tribute…