The Folio Society and Laithwaite’s Wines Halloween Review
This Halloween The Folio Society and Laithwaite’s Wines Halloween Review Presented an Evening of Spooky Tales Paired with Wine. Arriving on time, I was slightly worried that I was the only person who dressed up, but also thinking that hey at least this means that I’d win the best dressed. Luckily as the evening went on, more people arrived in costume so I wasn’t the only one crazy enough to walk through London dressed up. We started with a champagne reception that I did not want to finish because it was so good.
During the champagne reception there was a Tarot Card Read telling us our fortunes. Whether you believe in that stuff, she was pretty spot on about things about in my friends and my life which we did not share with her before hand. Apparently I’m going to continue to be single next October until I’m introduced to a Lawyer (so any readers know any single lawyers… tell them to hurry up). It was all good fun and added to the slightly spooky venue of Laithwaite’s The Arch.
The Folio Society then lead us through six spooky stories while we tasted six delicious wines. There was also a great selction of cheese and charcuterie which paired wonderfully with the wines.
I didn’t win best fancy dress, a lovely lady dressed as Jane Austen won but I did walk away with my very own bottle of white wine for my Ringleader Costume. The Folio Society edition of The Shining signed by Stephen King was also raffled off and alas I did not win that either, but I’m sure the winner was very pleased.
We look forward to seeing what The Folio Society has in store next and we’ll be definitely be back to Laithwaites, The Arch, it is a great venue.
Website: www.laithwaites.co.uk
Phone:020 7407 6378
Email: [email protected]
Laithwaite’s The Arch
219-221 Stoney Street