Bespoke Facials By Cristina Coelho Review
There’s nothing more relaxing that getting a beauty treatment after a busy week of work. While I was looking forward to having a bespoke facial, I was a little apprehensive as my first experience with facials wasn’t the greatest. My apprehension ended as soon as I met Cristina in her upper class treatment rooms, a short stroll from Bond Street. Cristina was super friendly and all anxiety disappeared within an instant. Also Cristina really knows what she’s doing so I had nothing to worry about
As a dedicated skin expert, Cristina Coelho is one of London’s most coveted facial experts specialising in high end bespoke facials which promote the youthful rejuvenation, skin health and radiance of her clients. Some which are celebrities! (And before you ask, Cristina wouldn’t tell me who they were). What is a bespoke facial? Well it is a facial tailored to your exact skin needs and requirements of each client. Pretty much every facial is different, tailored to you and your needs at each different visit and that’s a good thing! You may be breaking out one week, then the next find your skin is really dry, so it needs to be tailored to your needs at the time.
We spent about 20 minutes speaking about what Cristina thought my skin needed. My skin was extremely dry and needed to be re-hydrated so she used Vitamin A and peptides in my facial. Cristina explained that ‘’Vitamin A is essential for your skin as every day, it’s destroyed by heat, light and pollution whereas peptides work to plump out fine lines and increase collagen’’.
During our introduction Cristina went on to explain the reason why we should have regular facials is that ‘’because of free radical damage, which destroys the nutrients within our skin causing photo damage, we need to repair and protect with antioxidants and vitamins’. She further explains that ‘Environ treatments do this very well and while it is different for each individual and their skin issues, but once a month is a good rule of thumb’
After the consultation finished it was time to lay down on the bed and have the facial. First step was cleansing my face. I nearly fell asleep during this step as it was so relaxing just having this done. Next step was pumping those Vitamin A’s and Collagen into the skin using ‘active Sonophoresis and intensified Iontophoresis’. Cristina’s website states that this is a ‘unique combination of gentle pulses and sound-waves along with the active ingredients which enhances the vitamin penetration by 4,000%. It is driven deep into the skin to help soften lines and reduce pigmentation marks. Within just a few treatments it will have your skin more resilient and radiant, also helping with any uneven skin tone and scarring’.
It felt kind of weird, like vibrating mixed with little static electricity shocks and there was a slight ringing in my ear from the soundwaves. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all and I think I did doze off during this part of the treatment. After this was finished, Cristina places the algae mask and hooks up another machine which produces an almost trippy experience. Your face is fully covered (including your eyes) so if your claustrophobic, tell Cristina and she won’t cover your eyes. While covered you’re supposed to relax and stay still for 20 minutes. I found this hard to do and Cristina had to end the treatment 5 minutes earlier because I became too fidgety.
Afterwards, my skin felt less like the Sahara Desert and more like how I’d image a gorgeous goddess’ skin to feel. I stupidly forgot to take before and after photos so you’ll have to believe me when I say, my skin looked and felt remarkable. I was told I looked like I was glowing and friends stated that my face looked tighter, almost like I’d lost weight in my face. This is likely due to the extra attention Cristina showed my chin and neck.
A Bespoke Facial at Cristina’s clinic ranges from £85 to £145. It’s well worth it as three weeks on; my skin still feels incredible and like it’s had a new lease on life. Cristina also offers a wide range of other skin treatments. Visit the website for more information and find out how Cristina has all your skin needs covered.
Website: https://www.cristina-coelho.com
Wimpole Therapeutics
2 Wimpole Street
Twitter: www./twitter.com/ccoelho9
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ccoelhofacials
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CristinaCoelhobespokefacials
Written by Tegan LeBon
Twitter and instagram: @toogs1