Bribery is it that bad parents?
I have a new job, which I love. What’s funny is it wasn’t something I had considered doing and in the very same breath it is the dream job for me. I get a massive level of responsibility, get to be creative all day, meet lots of fantastically eccentric people and travel too. It is the kind of job I would do for free, purely because it makes me happy to get up in the morning and more than happy to stay up all night too!
The problem with my new job and my over enthusiasm to get things done is it takes time away from Princess. I’ve noticed her becoming more and more clingy as the weeks go by as she vies for my attention, butting into video conferences at the most inappropriate moments and throwing mini melt downs at the very mention of an upcoming business trip.
In order to lesson the opportunity for her bouts of rebellion and perhaps to curb my own guilt at my longer hours, Mrs Bribery has now entered the arena. It’s a great friend to have by all means. In order to get Princess into bed on time with no fussing (so I can make that 9pm conference call), Mrs Bribery walks in and offers to pick her up from school in person the next day and get ice creams on the way home; all in return for a seamless bed time routine with no surprises.
When anticipating a weekend spent half glued to my laptop, I may be known to pop into Wilkinsons on the way home and raid their arts and crafts corner. That’s right, I am not above three hours of messy play in return for a few hours of quiet time, nor is a trip to the Disney shop and Wagamamas out of the question if you just give me ten more minutes quiet time…
Mrs Bribery has becoming one of my best friends but Mrs Mummy is also sitting on my shoulder making sure things never sway too far. I left my job in the Financial Services to follow my heart and move into a more creative and fulfilling role but also to get a better balance between work and family, this is what my blog Circusmums has been about over the last three years; trying to juggle all sides of me and find some sort of equilibrium. Although it doesn’t seem that I have that quite yet, it isn’t too far off!
Mrs Mummy is able to take her daughter to school herself, something that was unheard of when in my previous role. I’m also in much better spirits which means in those hours when I am not plotting world domination at my computer screen, I’m energetic and ready for silly songs, bike rides, cake making and a tonne of book reading. I’m ready to put Mrs Bribery to sleep and let Mrs Mummy concentrate on making lasting memories with her gorgeous Princess.
I am thankful for bribery as it allows me to get everything done and focus on family. If that’s the case does the ends justify the means or is this just a case of really dodgy, bad parenting? Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion, we’re all fallible and I’m sure you’ve got a dodgy parenting technique of your own even if you want to just lay into mine for a while.