Celebrate Mai-Tai Day With Appleton Estate and The Rum Kitchen
Appleton Estate has partnered with Caribbean restaurant The Rum Kitchen, offering two Mai-Tai’s for £8 throughout August in celebration of the tropical cocktail during Carnival month!
National Mai Tai Day from Appleton Estate
Mai Tai’s taste better with company, so head down to The Rum Kitchen, with your friends in August to get your Jamaica Rum hit, where you can get two The Appleton Estate 8-year-old Mai Tai’s for £8, Monday-Thursday!
And to keep the party going … well you’re in luck because we’re sharing the The 8 Year Old Mai Tai recipe
- 50ml Appleton Estate 8 Year Old
- 15 ml Fresh Lime Juice
- 15ml Orange Curaçao
- 15ml Orgeat (Almond) Syrup
- Combine in a shaker filled with ice (crushed and cubed)
- Shake well and chill. Pour into a double old fashioned glass.
Garnish with one lime shell and fresh mint sprig
Appleton Estate 8-Year-Old- Amazon.co.uk, (RRP: £24.76)