F.E.E.D Symposium: GastroPolitics – 2nd July 2016
F.E.E.D Symposium: GastroPolitics
2nd of JULY 2016
Senate house, London university
“If you control the food supply, you control the people.”
H. Kissinger, Nobel Peace Prize.
We live in the age of abundance. The biosphere provides food to feed (at least) 20 billion humans; yet 1 billion suffer from scarcity, and 1 billion, from excess. At the same time, a large percentage of the food produced is wasted. Access to food has never been so cheap, yet we have never seen bigger inequities.
The second largest contributor to CO2 emissions is the meat industry, restaurants selling nutritionally unbalanced food are the norm in poor neighbourhoods across the world, and labelling norms are obscuring.
Food is at the core of some of the big challenges of our time: The health of our species and our planet are at stake. Shift won’t come from tearing down the old system, but by coordinating our efforts to find better solutions.
FEED – Food, Experience, Education, Design, is an experiential platform of discussion around one of the great issues of our time: the human/food relationship. The programme hosts experiential conferences and creates platforms for public engagement with science and art across festivals and events with topics of societal relevance.
The symposium GastroPolitics has the objective of fostering the debate around the methods of collective and individual action to promote positive change in our food system.
Facebook: /FEEDUK
Twitter: #xmodalism
*photography credit Joe Sarah ¦ www.joesarahphotography.com