First Thursdays: Review
This year I have been on a few arty farty outings (my scientist side is slowly dissolving) and am really starting to love them, I really like spending hours walking round and just looking at beautiful things. Weird or what?
First Thursdays:
On the first Thursday of every month a load of galleries in East London open their doors for a free evening of arty entertainment. A friend and I headed down to Hackney for a leisurely gand. The art was eclectic, and quite a lot of it I couldn’t imagine in my living room (that’s my crude way of judging art…) but the pieces weren’t the best bit. The best part was everyone was really jolly and enjoying themselves. Sitting outside drinking beer, chatting and laughing. Genuinely loving life. I have to admit that something I often missed working in the square mile, people often seem rather solemn.
Back to my Thursday, I didn’t take too many photos as I was sure if that was legit. But my favourite gallery (did get some sneaky snapshots) was a different kettle of fish all together!
You walked in and a woman was painting on the floor.
Tranquil music, pretty cool painting, people just stood and watched for ages.
Then as we turned to leave they gave everyone black paint and brushes to doodle on the walls. Awesome! Most people looked nervously on, or tentatively dipped their brush in. But One guy was proper angry and like took up a whole wall with angry faces it was great!
I went to town with this and put my hands in it, paint went EVERYWHERE! The music was so serene and I ended up painting flowers and crap which isn’t like me at all!
I was pretty proud of the final product
I even got to express my evolving love of the big city!
With my big painty hand
So after our creative quota had been filled, we wandered out, trying not get paint on people/the non painty walls.
Sadly I can’t remember the gallery’s name, however I see this as a challenge to find it again. Another Thursday adventure.
By this time is was gone 9pm, so with a rumble in our tummies we headed to pretty cool Brazilian restaurant called Raizes on the way to the bus stop, for some late night grub. Pretty good food, very meaty, definitely hit the spot!
I wonder where this new found art appreciation will take us next…..
Check out the art galleries that open their doors up, the dates and timings at:
And some good noshing at:
London Love
Written by Aspen Glencross
Tweet Aspen @gollumcrackcorn