Review: Social Concierge – The City’s Most Eligible Bachelor
In an interview with Pillow Magazine, founder and creator Nana Wereko-Brobby described The Social Concierge as “an offline members dating club for twenty and thirtysomething Londoners. I put on supperclubs, crew date, and cocktail parties and arrange blind dates in cool venues around London. It’s for people who aren’t’ comfortable with the concept of online dating and want to meet potential lovers by expanding their social circles in a much less cringe way. All members are vetted, by being scouted or applying through the site, so it’s a great bunch”
The particular event I went to based in London’s classy Moorgate included a pleasant fusion of London’s city boys and young professionals networking and connecting over evening drinks. Each singleton that signs up to The Social Concierge is matched carefully and the results are usually positive, especialy with the amazing venues that are carefully picked out for dates!
The age group are for those in their twenty to thirty somethings and I immediately felt comfortable entering the classy South Place Hotel which was filled with glasses of wine and flavoured cocktails. People spoke and mingled amongst each other and awaited the announcement of ‘The city’s most eligible bachelor’, who delivered a speech of gratitude and thanks to The Social Concierge for helping him branch out and gain fresher experiences from socializing.
The vibe was electric and you could see everyone was interested in the purpose of the event. It was an enjoyable experience where I was injected into a private world of high life and concierge services I have never seen.
I have never been to a dating related event before so it was definitely new to me, and I enjoyed the conversations I had with several lovely singletons!
Will I become a member one day? Maybe!
The next members’ party is on Saturday 14th February at MODE in Notting Hill – their debauched V Day Bash!
Reporter: Hannah Ajala (@hannah_ajala)
Twitter: @socialconcierge