Rumpus Party Review
‘Torture Garden without so much hanky panky’ was how a chum described Rumpus parties to me. That teamed with their infamous fancy dress themes had my attention from the word go!
Let me explain a little. Rumpus is a travelling party who have built up a immense following in the underground alternative scene throughout the years. Their costumes are a thing of legends; with ‘Pirates vs. Ninjas’ and ‘Creatures under the Sea’ being just a couple of their previous themes.
So last Saturday night, a couple of buds and I meandered down to the Islington Metal Works for Rumpus’s ‘undead creatures’ bash, and to be honest we didn’t really know what to expect. The guys wore all black, and I wore……well not much to be totally honest. Not much teamed with some rather creepy looking contact lenses. It turned out we had nothing to worry about, everyone fitted in!
The costumes ranged from a pair of black jeans to a full on bridal costume, it was amazing! The venue was mahusive, and some of the rooms were blocked off, however the chaps had seemed to got it right. It was busy and bustling without being suffocating. There was a courtyard downstairs with a more chilled band in one room and like a heavier drum and bass in another. As you ventured upwards there was a room with bands playing for quite a lot of the evening, then a rave room with a pretty awesome cage and ball pit (where we spent quite a lot of time…), plus a few bars dotted around.
Oh and there was this awesome cinema rave room on the stairs! It was pumping out old school R n’ B mixes, I totally stayed there for quite a while when I’d lost my chums (sorry the pictures arn’t great, we were having a little too much fun!!)
What I loved most is the fact that everyone was super cool, chilled and polite! None of that lechy, leering grinding and bum grabbing. Despite the fact I was wearing very little, I felt really safe! It was a good crowd.
Overall Rumpus have really got this party thing down. You wanted drink? It was there. You wanted food? It was there. You wanted an eclectic mix of music and rooms so you didn’t get bored? It was totally there. We had an awesome night and everyone I chatted to had an cracking night. My buds and I left the club at about 6am and I am here at 9am, having not yet gone to bed, singing the guys praises! That’s gotta say something right?
Like a guy trying to play it smooth with a gal he likes ‘I think we will be stopping by again sometime maybe, possibly, definitely…….’
Reporter: Aspen Glencross @GollumCrackCorn
Until next time Rumpus………
Website: rumpusparty.co.uk
Twitter: @rumpusparty
Facebook: /rumpusparty