Your Most Overlooked Source of Income
When a business asks the question. “How can I make more money, especially in this economic time?” You’ll be surprised that the best answer is: – not to discount, not to downsize, not to chase new customers. It is understanding the customers you have, understanding why they buy from you;…
5 P’s of Extraordinary Customer Service
One of the best ways to keep customers coming back more often is by living the old Boy Scout Motto: Be Prepared. Be prepared to take care of your customers better than anyone else can or will. If every customer you work with is impressed at how knowledgeable you are,…
Best 5 ways to get a brand that works
Do you know the best five ways to get your brand working ? Know your business culture, your offer and differential. Get back to basics and take a fresh look at what your business stands for, undertake research into how this stacks up against your competition. Are you sure how…