Underwater Cycling: Pleasure Pain
Buzzing with energy, flashing lights, enticing music… cycling classes are like dance parties thrown by drill sergeants. Could they get any better? Possibly. I first read about underwater cycling in Women‘s Health. According to the magazine, this type of cardio would “[improve] aerobic endurance, [increase] breathing capacity and [improve] blood flow and…
Get the “Jumpsuit Look”
Jumpsuits are definitely on trend at the moment, they’re ideal for Winter weather and look both stylish but keep you that extra bit warm in the cold weather also. Jumpsuits can be worn for partywear or for casual wear. Lots of Celebrities like style icons such as Victoria Beckham, Selena…
Secrets to a Taylor Swift body
What do the Victoria’s Secrets Angels, Rosie Huntingdon – Whitely, Taylor Swift, and Natalie Portman all have in common? Well aside from gorgeous faces, high profile jobs, and eye watering bank balances the answer is fantastically sculpted bodies. With the recent, much documented Angels catwalk show having just passed it…
Fierce Grace – Hot Yoga Review
To my left a muscular, shirtless man was stretched out in a meditative state. His physique wouldn’t have looked out of place alongside Russell Crowe in Gladiator, but it wasn’t him I was in awe of. Instead, my gaze was drawn to the petite woman with her legs wrapped around…
Barreworks Review
As I waited in anticipation, I couldn’t help but notice that most of the other participants were of the slightly more mature variety. This observation, along with the sound of the calming background music and the sight of the comforting studio, had lulled me into a false sense of security,…