Thai Square Spa
Tucked away in the back streets behind Covent Garden is the Thai Square Spa, a discreet, elegant spa offering traditional Thai treatments in luxurious and extremely relaxing circumstances.
Guests are welcomed in by the polite and helpful staff, asked to fill in a brief questionnaire to help tailor the experience and then depending on the treatment ushered into a couples room, VIP area, traditional Thai room or downstairs to the general spa to begin their process of unwinding and soaking up the wonderfully calm atmosphere. There is also a garden at the back of the spa where guests can relax together after or before treatments, which is very well hidden between two narrow streets and could really be anywhere it is that well sheltered.
The facilities are all pristine and extremely well maintained with smartly dressed staff moving quietly around to their various appointments. Everywhere is done out in dark wood, lit by candles and beautifully scented. Having been to Thailand and experienced a massage in a hut on the beach, this, I can promise, is a very close approximation of the traditional Thai experience, but in a much more refined situation.
Having been invited to have a full body oil massage, I was only too happy to let the attendant do her thing and sipped my tea while enjoying a foot bath. The following hours full body massage was both well targeted and very efficient at relieving what felt like months of stress and tension I had unwittingly accrued. Perhaps most impressively the attendant was able to divine exactly where on my back most needed attention and set about ‘fixing’ it.
The following hour passed by in blissful peace and aside from some small adjustments to limbs was completely without disturbance. The ambiance was very conducive to relaxing without quite dosing off, which for me is the perfect level and ensured that I made the most of the massage even if all that was required was to lie still for an hour.
After some time to relax on a lounger and drink some water the guests are waved goodbye in both an improved physical and mental condition. For such a centrally located establishment, it could really have been hidden away in the quietest corner of the most distant Thai city.
Thai Square spas can be found here, on Facebook and on Twitter.
By Peter Churchill