The Albatross 3rd & Main Review
The Albatross 3rd & Main starring Hamish Clark, Charlie Allen and Andrew St Clair-James is an American tale of three men with a mountain of debt, and a box of priceless roadkill. Priceless roadkill? It made a little more sense when I read that the play written and directed by Simon David Eden explores the dark side of the ‘Eagle Feather Law’. What is the ‘Eagle Feather Law’? Well in America, ‘US federal legislation states that only enrolled members of federally approved tribes can legally possess eagle feathers. The law denies many of the indigenous population their sovereignty and makes practicing their ancient rituals and tribal ceremonies illegal’. Quite interesting as even finding an eagle feather on the ground and keeping it can land someone with an enormous fine or jail time.
As the play focuses on three characters (Gene, Lullaby and Spyder) and one set – it takes not only a strong script but strong actors for the audience to invest in these characters and be sucked in to the storyline. Luckily Hamish Clark, Charlie Allen and Andrew St Clair-James are perfectly cast and their performances are memorizing. Getting to speak to Andrew St Clair-James and Charlie Allen after the play, only reinforced my view on how talented the actors are. I was so surprised to hear posh British accents come out of their mouths instead of the American accents they portrayed on stage.
The Albatross 3rd & Main had the audience laughing throughout, myself included throughout the performance. The first act was more humorous than the second half, but the twists and turns in the second half kept me on the edge of my seat. I definitely did not see the plot twist coming in the second half and it was highly amusing. The conclusion was perfection as well. This was helped by the suburb writing and direction from Simon David Eden.
Performing at the intimate Park Theatre until the 4th of February, The Albatross 3rd & Main is an enjoyable way to way to spend an evening. Get your tickets now for this three and a half star show.
Reporter: Tegan LeBon
Twitter and Instragram: @toogs1
The Albatross 3rd & Main
Venue: Park Theatre, Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, N4 3JP
Dates: 10 January – 4 February 2017
Performances: Tue – Sat Evenings 7.45pm, Thu & Sat Matinees 3.15pm
Relaxed performance: Tue 31 Jan 15.15
Prices: £14.50 Previews / £18 Full / £16.50 Concessions/ £10 Relaxed (Carer goes free)
Booking: www.parktheatre.co.uk / 020 7870 6876