Backdoorkitchen meets Edible Experiences with Stupendous Supperclub ‘The Flavor Expats’
On February 26th Feb ONIN were delighted to be invited to @backdoorkitchen’s and #Edibleexperiences (@Edible_exp) launch of their new venture The Flavour Expats. This collaboration of pop chefs from over 10 nations kicked off with five of their finest chaps creating the most eclectically brilliant taster menu I have ever encountered.
However before I divulge our gourmet evening I have to inform you this menu is only a snippet of what’s to come. The real aim of the game is for each week 2 chefs to fight it out in a gastronomic battle, vying for the pop up chef champion’s crown.
But that story is for another day, back to our drooltastic night! Our evening began with heading upstairs above the Palm2 supermarket in Hackney where we received a warm greeting from Rob our host, who handed us a refreshing glass of Prosecco before seating all the guests at a large sociable table.
After a brief introduction it was time for course one, first stop Japan. Tacochu’s (@Tacochu_LDN) Erica Dorn served up a squid tempura storm! I have to admit when squid is mentioned I typically think rubbery, but hers were really tender. Teamed with a Wasabi mayo and Japanese seaweed the dish was beautiful and light.
Next stop on our round the world flight Australia with The Pickled Fork’s (@thepickledfork) Alex Motture’s (and absent co-founder Chris Griffett) kangaroo pie. Inspired by a combination of the traditional Kangaroo tail soup and the Auzzie’s love of pie, Alex’s creation brought a real rustic home cooked feel to the table. His dad’s home-grown blush tomato jam and special brown sauce were to die for, and his pie had that crispy pastry finesse that is so often lacking in our English ones. Spectacular.
Now to the Philippines, and surprisingly a rather new concept to London dining. A little deviation from the menu and for me unknown territory, mussels. I have to admit I am not sold on these little salty fellows (my guest loved them, so I didn’t feel too bad!), however Pepe’s Kitchen’s Mae Magnaye Williams excelled with the coconut chilli sauce which I drank from my spoon, I managed to spill it everywhere but it was totally worth it.
The last but by no means least savoury dish was Selina Periampillai’s Mauritian Vindaye Poisson (I think that’s Mauritian for yumtacular fish…….). The Yummychoo Eats chef warmed up her popular traditionally cold fish with heat and spice for flavour that packed a punch, and managed to give her dhal bite which was a pleasant surprise.
Now PUDDING! There mere concept gets my tastebuds tingling!
I have to say for me the dish of the night was the first pud. England’s Ian Ballantyne aka ‘The Candlestick Maker’ really shone. His poached pear and chocolate mousse concoction was culinary delight. What top notch attention to detail, little crumbley bits, chocolate swirls and the most delightfully sweet meringue shard. I am usually a massive ‘fruity pudding’ Grinch, but this won my heart.
However this mustn’t take away from host Rob’s beautiful toast pudding. I was sceptical at toast being a pudding, but the Backdoor Kitchen chef surprised me but teaming this crunchy little number with Italian inspired basil gelato and strawberry coulis. A very close second I must say.
I could have chatted all night but sadly the clock struck…….time to catch our trains, and fond farewells followed. I am really excited for all these chefs pop up endeavours (see below!), and truly look forward to sampling their future wares. Cracking food and company chaps.
Flavour Expats runs for 2 months, 14 chefs, 8 nights. For more information check out: http://www.edibleexperiences.c
Reporter Aspen Glencross
WenLin Soh – Edible Experiences – @edible_exp – www.edibleexperiences.com
Rob and Fabio – @backdoorkitchen – http://backdoor-kitchen.com/about/
Erica Dorn – Tacochu’s – @Tacochu_LDN – http://www.tacochu.com/
Mae Magnaye Williams – @pepeskitchen – http://pepes-kitchen.co.uk/home/
Auzzie Alex & Chris Griffett – @thepickledfork – http://www.thepickledfork.com/
Selina Periampillai – Yummychoo Eats – @Yummychooeats – http://yummychooeats.com/
Ian Ballantyne – The Candlestick Maker – @Ballantyne_ian – http://ian-ballantyne.blogspot.co.uk/