The Blitz Party – Party like it’s 1941
The youth of today (which I think I am still part of!) don’t party like they used to. The 90s had raves, 70s D.I.S.C.O and the 40s had wartime dances where courting was sweet and people actually talked face to face.
So of couple of friends and I jumped at the opportunity to give The Village Underground (@villunderlondon) a visit last Saturday for an evening of Blitz partying.
You couldn’t miss the entrance, which was lined with sandbags and voted a leading trail of red lipstick wearing ladies. As soon as we entered the wartime vibe surrounded us, with a jazz quartet playing in the foyer and the natural interior of the venue setting a perfect ‘Blitz bunker’ scene.
After shimmying out of our coats our first port of call was the hair station where The Beauty Queens (@Queensofmakeup) were set up to five us a 1940s makeover. Next stop the bar, where en-route we passed a cute table laden with wartime treats including sausage rolls and some rather lovely looking cakes. We continued on and were greeted by some dapper looking barmen who shook up a storm creating some seriously beautiful cocktail concoctions. Although they were on the higher end of the price spectrum (£8 cocktails and £6 champagne flutes) it did add an air of glamour to the evening.
On the costume front everybody made a real effort, it was a joy to see. Every possible outfit from that era was worn, from military suits, to a chap in a bomber jacket donning a fake moustache and a Captain America they had gone all out.
At 10pm the music got going and the room began to jam. The Rocking Roosters made the night, however the best part was the lead guitarist/singer’s voice, it was AMAZING! Smooth like velvet. The night was filled with swing dancing and wartime mug sipping jovial fun. Even the boys who were dragged there by their girlfriends got well into it 🙂
Sadly our carriage arrived just before midnight (hahaha that sounded glamorous, darn tubes!), however we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and are itching to return with a bigger group for a bit more unconventional fun.
Next stop Prohibition!
Reporter Aspen Glencross