Arts,  Entertainment

DrinkShopDo – Play with Clay

Drinks Shop DoPlay with Clay is the latest event at DrinkShopDo. This bar is just around the corner from Kings Cross Station and hosts a variety of events throughout their different rooms.

I knew very little about this event before going, other than I would be modelling clay to look like Bill Murray. I was expecting an event with a group of people around a table modelling and interacting together. This wasn’t the case, and I was led to a table in their bar area. I was then handed a small block of clay, 2 tooth picks and a picture of Bill Murray. At 10pm they award a free round of drinks to the person behind the best sculpture.

I was expecting more of an event and the chance to interact with others more. That said, it was fun to go back to childhood and play with clay again. Although, my piece looked very little like Bill Murray or indeed a human being of any kind.

The upstairs bar and restaurant area itself is quite arty and kitsch, although a little on the pretentious side for this humble Northerner. The downstairs area was livelier and seems to be the venue for their more upbeat events. A cabaret type event was going on downstairs at the time.

If you’re going there anyway, the clay sculpting is a little added bonus, although I wouldn’t go there especially for it.


Have a look at their websites for what’s on.


Written by Martin Stocks

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