
Power UP Returns To The Science Museum

POWER UP returns to the Science museum once again this year from 6th-22ndApril. This event is a gamer’s paradise. Providing a nostalgia fest with every turn of the head. When I say there is ever game console you can remember, I mean it. From Nintendo 64 Goldeneye multiplayer sessions, to Halo battles and even Frogger, Power UP has it all. This gaming event features the best video games and consoles seen in gaming from the past 40 years. Whether you are a gaming fanatic, fan of the retro games or just like beating your family at super smash bros, Power UP will fulfil everyone’s needs.

Attending previously I had one of the best evenings of my life. I have been a massive gamer since childhood and walking into this venue was like a video game oasis. First it feels like a mirage and then you pick up and start playing classics you haven’t played in years or even completely forgotten about. It is not all about reminiscent childhood favourites as friends can play in multiplayer showdowns from some of the more recent titles or test out some of the latest virtual reality technologies in the market.

Power UP truly is the pinnacle of a gaming event. It showcases everything you have ever wanted in your bedroom growing up without the cost and storage of holding all these consoles and games yourself. Yes there are emulators out there, but there is no better feeling than physically holding that classic controller or joystick in your hand yourself.

The list of games and bookings can be made at the website link below. Tickets come in Single day-time 90minute sessions, half-day passes and evening sessions for the adults only. So book your tickets and get that button mashing going to make it into Power UP’s leaderboard.

Website: https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/see-and-do/power

Exhibition Rd, Kensington, London SW7 2DD

Twitter: @sciencemusuem #PowerUP

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1452002538268862/

Instagram: @sciencemusuem

Written by Daniel Brodie