Crystal Maze Releases New Tickets
5 P’s of Extraordinary Customer Service
One of the best ways to keep customers coming back more often is by living the old Boy Scout Motto: Be Prepared. Be prepared to take care of your customers better than anyone else can or will. If every customer you work with is impressed at how knowledgeable you are,…
Meet the Team: Hi Peter
Name: Peter Churchill Blog, website, youtube, twitter, facebook, etc: bluejeansandbeyond.wordpress.com/bluejeansandbeyond.tumblr.com, @PeterChurchill7 Tell us about yourself and what makes you tick: I’ve only recently moved to London for work, but have lived nearby for most of my life. I love the different perspective living here gives me and the way it…
Meet the Team: Hi Harry
Name: Harry ter Haar Blog, website, youtube, twitter, facebook, etc: www.yogawithharry.com http://www.youtube.com/user/bondson1983 twitter: omsweetomhth Tell us about yourself and what makes you tick: I write, act, surf, do yoga, teach yoga and dance (hip hop) – all those things make me tick. I teach yoga to earn a living and…
Meet the Team: Hello Aspen
Name: I’m Abi/Aspen Glencross, nice ta meetcha 🙂 Blog, website, youtube, twitter, facebook, etc: rollercoastermonkey.wordpress.com (London adventures. Welcome to funky town….) An off the beaten track guide to London 🙂 @GollumCrackCorn https://www.facebook.com/abi.glencross?ref=tn_tnmn Tell us about yourself and what makes you tick: Okay I’ll try and condense it. I am a…