Wild Turkey and Everyman present the Bold Cinema Series
Watching a movie on a two-seater comfy sofa in The Everyman cinema is a pretty sweet deal. But these guys want to treat you a little further. So they’ve recently teamed up with Wild Turkey Bourbon to give all cinemagoers a free Old Fashioned cocktail when they book a ticket from the Bold cinema series. What’s that I hear you cry! It’s a curation of gutsy movie titles, the series starts with action packed Sicario 2: Soldado.
You will get your complementary 101 old Fashioned brought to your seat, so no need to queue at the bar, these guys will do all the work. Your job is to sit back and enjoy the movie, along with a loved one or a lucky date….
To purchase tickets to the Wild Turkey Bold Cinema Series, visit https://www.everymancinema.com/wild-turkey-everyman-bold-cinema-series