
New Year New You At South Place Hotel

New decade, new you, it’s time to put new resolutions into action. Statistics* show that new habits take more than 66 days to form, so after a month of ‘being good’, the sofa and takeaway are most likely starting to look tempting. South Place Hotel – the five-star East-London hotel is here tokeep your food and fitness goals on track throughout January and February2020 is your year.

Everyone works in different ways, so South Place Hotel has come up with three different game plans to suitevery need. There is a discounted gym membership, a goal setting workshop where you get your own personalised fitness and wellness plan with OitooFitness.

To help you kick start those resolutions, South Place Hotel could not have made it easier. The hotel is offering a two-month membership to The South Place Hotel Club. It is £35 per month for January and February –the amount of a standard gym membership.

At The South Place Club, you will have access to their five-star spa and gym facilities and if you decide to extend in March, you will get access to all of The Club benefits which can be found here.

Membership is available here

Even better though, on Saturday 1st February, the Secret Garden will host an afternoon of wellness and goal setting with OitooFitness.

You will start with a movement class before a goal-setting workshop to outline your fitness and wellness goals for the year. You will also have the chance to make your own Epsom salts to aid those stiff muscles before ending the day with a meditation class.

After all your hard work, you will leave with a wellness goody bag including gifts from Sweaty Betty, Botanic Lab plus more.

Arrive for 12.45pm for 1pm start.

Tickets are £25 per person and a donation of £5 from each ticket sale will be donated to the mental health charity MIND. Tickets available here.