DINNER AT THE TWITS: Presented by Les Enfants Terribles and ebp, in association with Bompas & Parr and Creature of London
DINNER AT THE TWITS Presented by Les Enfants Terribles and ebp, in association with Bompas & Parr and Creature of London The Vaults, Waterloo; 4 September – 30 October 2016 Tickets priced at £80-£110 available from www.twitsdinner.com www.twitsdinner.com I @Twitsdinner I @BompasandParr I @TheVaultsUK Brought to you by Les Enfants Terribles…
Ferdies Food Lab
Ferdies Food Lab Banquet Aldgate East, E1 Sat 9th August – Saturday 15th November Tickets A supperclub x banquet hybrid, Ferdies are bringing their 6-8 course dinner to a hidden East London location. Neither a conventional restaurant or supperclub, Ferdies…
London in the Sky
London in the Sky Canary Wharf, Wood Wharf Business Park, 100 Preston’s Road, E14 9SB 12th – 21st September Tickets What could be better than fine dining in London? Fine dining 100ft in the air is what we say! Launching for the first time this summer, London in the Sky…
Christabel’s Extraordinary Eating – Secret Suppers & Mad Munching
Supperclubs have taken the capital by storm from exotic eateries to patriotic parties. Plus supperclub, being such a super loose term, means these gatherings can be as humble as a few chaps chomping in someone’s sitting room to a full on dinner party above a supermarket (nice one Palm2!). But this surge…