How to win round the jury
*Hate your job? Then laugh with this week’s Hate Manager* Hello juror number 4 with your beady little eyes. Why don’t you like me? You haven’t laughed at any of my witticisms, nor did you react when I faked tears. You also seem somewhat of a ringleader amongst the more…
New prototype products unveiled to fix the nation’s everyday emergencies
Direct Line announces potential products of the future, following a two-day Everyday Fix design makeathon From an alarm clock programmed to take over your phone at night; to a device that reminds you to lock your house; and the world’s smallest phone charger – Direct Line’s Everyday Fix…
How to close down the company you hate
I orchestrated an elaborate hoax to shut down the business for at least a day. I turned up early and a van marked “Toxic Waste Solutions” screeched past me. 3 men in nuclear boiler suits ran out, tipped luminous green paint on the floor and cordoned off the building. …
How to stop nosy colleagues looking at your screen
A nosy colleague who sits behind me desperately tries to see my screen so she can report me to Management. Every company has one of these joyless people and you mustn’t let them see your screen. This gradually decomposing spinster is desperate to catch me on Twitter or Facebook…
How to exploit the recruitment agency who’s exploiting you
*** This Post is Just for fun, it should not be taken as advice*** After applying for a job you will be contacted by some vacuous recruitment consultant who you have to befriend and be interviewed by. All so you can be interviewed by the actual company you applied for.…