Introducing ZeroWater
When you think of a water filter, most people would automatically think of a Brita filter, it has a long standing reputation in filtering impurities from tap water. But if you’re like me you may have fallen out of love with Brita as time has gone by. Expensive cartridges, the…
Floatfit review
Floatfit classes are a combination yoga and HIIT (high intensity interval training) exercises atop an aquabase board in the water. Oh what fun! If you have a love for training and are ready to test your balance and co-ordination skills, then it’s time for you to give this a try.…
OnIn London Now: Climate change
Ilan Kelman, University College London http://www.ilankelman.org / @IlanKelman London is continually affected by different environmental changes. The global temperature rise will probably bring more hot, sticky days to London. That means more sauna trips on the Tube and more rail delays as outdoor tracks heat up. Warmer air stores more water. With…
Here’s a surprise…drink water
Today the news was released that according to nutrition experts we should all be putting water on the table at mealtimes for our children. Sugar-sweetened drinks including sports drinks, contribute to obesity epidemic and are problem for children. IMAGE COURTESY OF PHOTOSTOCK / FREEDIGITALPHOTOS.NET It would appear some people think it’s fine for…
Winter Skin
I’d like to believe that there is someone else who is incredibly happy with the cold winds that have made their way back into the weather forecast. However, the downside of the Shakespearean like weather is the havoc it causes on our skin. (This is where you wail desperation) Fear…