
Here’s a surprise…drink water

Today the news was released that according to nutrition experts we should all be putting water on the table at mealtimes for our children. Sugar-sweetened drinks including sports drinks, contribute to obesity epidemic and are problem for children.

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It would appear some people think it’s fine for young children to drink fizzy drinks, and sugary drinks anytime of the day and I’ve even heard of some allowing their children to have some fizzy drink before bed even after they’ve already had their teeth brushed.

It will come as no surprise that on a whole my girls are good when it comes to drinking. Aly for her whole life has been a big water drinker, it doesn’t matter if we’re around someone’s house or at a restaurant she will always ask for water, plain still water. She’s had a sip here and there of fizzy water or come pop but doesn’t like it and even squash she doesn’t like.

This is possibly because we never have those sorts of drinks in the house. We do have squash but no cans of pop or bottles of fizzy water and even Mrs OD3G only drinks water apart from the odd cup of tea. Mia has also started to copy Aly by drinking a lot more water than she used to but she does have the odd splash of apple squash every now and then.

I’m not saying that our family is perfect but if you start at an early age but not giving them these drinks and only offering them water then they won’t crave and become addicted to the sugary drinks.

When we go out for a meal and they put a jug of water on the table we always drink it, and I noticed it at BritMums this year that when there was water on the tables people always drank it. If children see you drinking water they are more likely to copy you. So put a jug of water on the table and see what happens.

Do you allow your children to drink fizzy drinks?