The Big Baby Shower Is Coming To London
Little Ones ‘N’ Us recently got in contact with us and told us ‘During my pregnancy like i’m sure most women do, I felt a whole heap of emotions. While I happened to know a few people who had kids already or were pregnant at the same time as I was I still found it difficult to find someone to share all my emotions with. So I set up the instagram account Little Ones ’N’ Us. Initially this was just to have an outlet for myself, I’d share personal posts(which I’ve now archived lol but I will be reposting them once I give the page a facelift) and other mothers would comment and be so encouraging. I realised sometimes what you really need is a complete stranger to talk to and at that point the ideas came flooding in.I decided I wanted to start something where parents pre and post baby are encouraged and supported. Now I know there are various groups and platforms who are all doing great things, but I was looking for something during my pregnancy which I couldn’t find so I’ve set out to create it and here we are planning the first event’.
The Big Baby Shower is for all parents and also those trying to conceive(TTC), expectant and new mothers. You’ll hear from real parents, real people, sharing real stories, as well from medical professionals. All over a lovely afternoon tea.
There will be fun and games, networking and a bit of shopping, with some mumrepreneurs bringing things to sell. So what are you waiting for… book your tickets now!
Date: Saturday 4th August
Time: 12:30pm
Location The Tower Hotel, London
Instagram: @littleonesnus