The Whole Package

Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Give him a Pants & Socks subscription and he will always have a fresh pair for his tackle.
It’s that time of year again where men across the world marvel at their gifts of socks and pants from spouses, children and mums. From replacements to their worn down holey briefs, to those “save for bests” new pants and socks are always needed.
But why wait for christmas to restock. Another addition to the subscription based product market, Pants & Socks do exactly what they say on the tin, but with style. From Calvin Kleins to Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger to Ralph Lauren, pick your favourite brand, size and colour from their online shop.
Pick a delivery frequency that suits you, from a one off purchase or save 10% by subscribing to 1,2,3 or 12 month intervals and enjoy free shipping as your brand spanking new (no pun intended) undergarments arrive at your door.
For those thinking of gifting a pair of festive smalls for your loved ones this Christmas, dig a little deeper and keep them in pants for the year.
I for one am already enjoying my Calvin Klein Trunks and will not be saving those or my Tommy Hilfiger socks for best. Visit PantsAndSocks.com to find your perfect pair.
Written by Rick Hartley