Climbing the O2
Up at the O2
We sent two reviewers to climb the O2 and they came back with the need for more…
Hannah writes…
We were indeed way, way up! I had zero clue as to why I volunteered to become a part of potentially one of the most thrill shaking and scariest moments I’ve ever experienced! Even setting feet upon a 10 foot path way with spaces beneath our feet where we could see each person walking across and all around O2’s Peninsula Square was scary enough! From a distance, I could also see little carriages travelling across the sky courtesy of Emirates sky. The O2 has so much to offer and I truly appreciate these experiences; as a Londoner. The staff at the climb were uber helpful, jolly, kind and professional; which made the task of climbing at 60 metres not so daunting. We were strapped up, snapped up, then ready to climb! Going up and momentarily looking behind or beside me to admire the several skyline views of London was another memorable moment. The weather was a perfect not-so-hot-and-sticky 23 degrees, with lots of Londoners smiling with sunshades on. 100 passes later and we had reached the middle of the O2. We were now 60 feet high. Now, selfie! Obviously for our health and safety we couldn’t (and wouldn’t dare) to bring out our mobile phones whilst climbing. There were so many views surrounding this 15-year-old O2 big circle. Families and friends gathered and took loads of photos to capture the moment, although nothing could top viewing the beauty of London with a set of fresh eyes. Anyone feeling courageous and fearless should do this! Make sure you come when the weather is good, I wouldn’t have it any other way! Awesome experience that I may just do again one day.
Christina Writes…
Are you the type of person that LOVES to try something a little different, that cannot get enough of London’s Iconic skyline and famous buildings? Then climbing up London’s O2 Area is something you must do in your lifetime. I was excited yet nervous at the prospect of climbing Up At The O2 a few weeks ago, as a lover of heights I knew it was something that I had to do and I had a moment of feel the fear and do it anyway. I knew it was going to be an experience of a lifetime and I must say I was not disappointed…
Rules and Health and Safety
The facility has strict rules around timings. Participants must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled climb. This is to ensure that they watch a health and safety video and are fully briefed on the relevant PPE to wear.
Some people were a little anxious and nervous for the climb but whilst watching the Health and Safety video, it instantly calmed their nerves down as it was really engaging and funny as opposed to the usual boring videos created surrounding health and safety topics and went into depth on how to put the harness on etc.
Specialist climbing shoes are provided to each climber together with either a hi-vis vest or a climbing suit if the weather is poor. Harnesses with a latch were also given so that climbers can attach their selves to the wire for the actual climb. Climbs are very frequent and scheduled to set off every 20 minutes in groups of no more than 16.
The Climb
Climbers are told that the experience will last approximately 90 minutes and before making their way up, photographs are taken at the bottom of the platform which can be purchased once the climb is over. When I first stepped onto the platform it was pretty bouncy when walking up, but this changed to a see through metal platform until you get to the top of the O2. The views were stunning and as our climb was scheduled at 5pm, I was very fortunate to witness the sun setting across London whilst taking in the glorious skyline and infamous London landmarks.
I wouldn’t say that the climb was physically demanding, but strangely enough going up was much easier than coming down and this was more down to me freaking out about sliding down the side of the O2 (rest assured this won’t happen, but everyone deserves a freak out).
This is one activity that is not limited by age, if you love an adventure and want to see London from an iconic building then you need to do this. Highly recommended!!
Prices for Up at The O2 start at £26 for adults and children (over 10). To avoid disappointment, advance bookings are suggested. Book your date and time now at http://www.theo2.co.uk/ upattheo2.