Six3nine Personal Training Review
We’ve all been there – flicking through the pages of a woman’s glossy and staring in envy at the toned, lean physique of the latest celeb who’s managed to shed the pounds. They look amazing, flaunting their hard-earned and newly visible abs on an exotic beach somewhere and in an instant we turn to our friends and mutter those infamous words ‘If I had a nutritionist and a personal trainer I’d look that good too.’
Well in that case maybe it’s time to put your money were your mouth is and head on down to Six3nine?
Tucked away in Covent Garden, Six3nine is a new personal training practice, which promises ‘No gimmicks, no fads, just a passion-driven, scientific approach to personal training that will get guaranteed results.’ And this begins with a complimentary 60-minute consultation at the premises.
Eager to suss it out, I entered the inconspicuous building unsure what to expect, but was instantly put at ease after an enthusiastic welcome from Dan Baldwin, the practice manager.
As we sat and chatted Dan explained the concept of the practice while a couple of members performed impressive deadlifts and various other moves on the gym floor. The space was intimate and I noted that it seemed quiet. Dan quickly clarified that it was an ‘off peak’ period, however he confirmed that there are never more than 8 trainers in the space at one time, which any gym member will know is a rarity most of us can only dream of.
After discussing my health and fitness history including any previous injuries, typical diet, exercise regime and my goals (during which a flurry of excuses escaped from my lips including the usual ‘my boyfriend is a bad influence’, ‘I work long hours’ and ‘I’m not a morning person’) Dan assured me that they are never there to judge, just educate and guide.
Phew I thought, otherwise the next part of the consultation would not have been pretty – the dreaded body composition analysis.
As I stepped on to the machine Dan’s words of comfort rang through my head and although I’m sure none of us would particularly enjoy discussing the percentage of fat that’s found in our bodies, the experience was actually rather painless.
It was enlightening to discover what my body was made up of and why each element was vital. And more importantly how the exercises I should be carrying out and the food I should be eating could change my composition completely – for once it all made sense.
From calories to macros, to muscle weight and water weight, by the end of the session I felt I had learnt a lot, which left me feeling extremely motivated. I mean surely if you know exactly why you’re working out and eating certain foods you are much more likely to stick to the plan?
As my analysis finished Dan went on to explain which package he thought would suit me and even which trainer would be a great fit for my needs if I did decide to sign up. The individual tailoring was impressive and support, structure and knowledge seemed to be the key elements that were central in making it all work.
So while Six3nine won’t do the hard graft for you, if you’re willing to put the glossy magazines down and stop with the excuses there’s no reason why with their expert leadership and your hard work you can’t be showing off your beach body either.
I mean who cares about the Victoria’s Secret models anyway?
For more information check out:
Written by Laura Hill / @builtlikeaboss