Meat Free Monday Recipe – Butternut Squash and Cheddar Quesadilla
Another veggie delight I always seem to have too much of when I decide to cook is Butternut Squash! So here is a couple of easy recipes to utilize this diverse beastie.
Butternut squash and cheddar Quesadilla
This little beauty is great for home made tapas!
Serves 2
– A good handful of THE BEST butternut squash (from below)
– Splash of oil
– A handful of cheese
– A spreadable amount of chutney (we had apple and plum it was goooood)
1) Grab two wraps.
2) Paint oil on one side of each wrap.
3) Spread one with bnut squash and cheese (on un-oiled side)
4) Spread the other either chutney
5) Heat a pan, like hot.
6) Place the filled wrap sides together, and the oiled sided down in the pan.
7) Check underneath, once crispy and brown turn over.
8) Cut into quarters and serve!
The BEST butternut squash
– Squirt some veg oil in a roasting dish.
– Cut your bnut squash into squares (more surface area means more source covering! But to small and it goes all mushy) leaving the skin on.
– Add you pepper, cumin, and all spice with a good stir.
– Roast in the over like 160 degrees for about 45-1 hour mins, covering if it browns a little too much.
Yumtacular in like everything.
Aspen Glencross