London’s best off-West end theatres – PART I
The Royal Court Theatre Based in Sloane Square this is Britain’s leading national company and is dedicated to new work by innovative writers from the UK and around the world. I recently watched Martin McDonagh’s brilliant black comedy Hangmen here before its West End transfer. Having at least 12 plays…
How to win round the jury
*Hate your job? Then laugh with this week’s Hate Manager* Hello juror number 4 with your beady little eyes. Why don’t you like me? You haven’t laughed at any of my witticisms, nor did you react when I faked tears. You also seem somewhat of a ringleader amongst the more…
How to withstand the cross examination
*** The content within this post is for comedy value only! Sorry to all those looking for a legal loophole*** “I can only give you five minutes today, I’ve some minor errands to run”, I told the little devil cross-examining me. The judge, jury and spectators had become accustomed,…
Hate Manager Returns
*** Warning if this does not get you through the Bank Holiday blues then nothing will. Comedy at its best*** Apologies for my prolonged absence. Since I may or may not have murdered my Manager and framed the Customer Service Supervisor I’ve been a busy bee. I was promoted…
A Changed Man
On my way home from work a homeless man asked me if I had any spare change. I told him I did and thanked him for asking. It was only when I returned home to my mansion that I realised he may have been asking for it for himself. But…