THE ZEN HUSSIES @ Hootananny Brixton Saturday 7th November
THE ZEN HUSSIES @ Hootananny Brixton
Saturday 7th November
9pm – 3am ¦ FREE b4 10pm, £4 after
Wormfood return to dish out another volley of excessive musical exhilaration toward your unsuspecting eardrums.
They bring a delicious spread of three most unnervingly out there yet utterly excellent live bands in the form of THE ZEN HUSSIES Brass, stomps, double bass and a whole heap of sass,
Bristol swing veterans
COLOMBOLOCO The Godfather soundtrack meets supercharged festival fun, unhinged Italian phenomenon
THE BIG NASTY Gritty, ear-terrifying blues trio
WORLD’S TALLEST DJ Adept, vertically stretched, electro-swinging goodness
www.zenhussies.com ¦ www.colomboloco.com ¦ thebignasty.bandcamp.com