DARKFIELD KINGS X – A multi-sensory sonic theme park experience

With it’s industrial past and present hub of creativeness, Kings Cross is a fitting location for the innovative and experimental theatre company DARKFIELD’s immersive theatre production. Three ordinary looking shipping containers contain a world of wonder and interpretation, each door leading to an intense and deeply unique experience. Séance, set in a Victorian séance room, explores the psychology of individuals, Flight, transports its audience into two parallel realities and Coma, invites you to participate in a collective dream experience.
Step inside, put on the headphones and take in your surroundings before the lights go out. As darkness engulfs you and your visual senses diminish, nerves might begin to slowly kick in; but you are not alone. Immerse yourself into these short but unique auditory and sensory experiences, where the only boundaries are that of the imagination.
Tickets: £8 – £9 (concs available) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/darkfield-kings-cross-tickets-89213677511
When: Friday 28 February – Sunday 22 March
Where: Lewis Cubitt Square, King’s Cross, London, N1C 4BT
Website: www.darkfield.org
Written by: Eboni Addoh | Photography by Mihaela Bodlovic