High Society: Albert Chapter 3
“Take me to the sea!” Albert shouted as he jumped into a taxi. Albert had become more impulsive with age, and why not indeed? Today he longed to stand on a pier and watch the waves crash against the rocks. He’d enjoyed doing this with his late wife for…
Literary Death Match
Literary Death Match is an international series of events that gives new writers a platform to perform their work. Four writers read 7 minutes of their latest book and then the judges offered feedback and selected two finalists. I was delighted that comedian Mark Watson was one of the authors…
High Society: Charlie Malbery Part II
Charlie Malbery Within thirty-five minutes Charlie had been slapped in the face six times. The slappers (in the literal sense) were Charlie’s various ex-girlfriends dotted around Pimlico. Quite why they were so angry vaguely boggled his uncurious mind – he’d only asked them if he could stay the night. Charlie’s…
High Society: Dalton
Dalton was in a foul mood. His leisurely breakfast ritual had been ruined by his housekeeper stocking the incorrect cupboards. As he searched his stylishly minimalist kitchen for his breakfast he received an irritatingly informal email from his irritatingly informal PA. His mood cheered as he planned the severity with…
High Society: Ingrid
The coffee pot was boiling over. Aubrey had knocked a tall vase of flowers from the kitchen table, drenching the floor in filmy ripe-smelling plant water and was tearing around the house in wide-eyed terrified glee. Music was blaring, spilling the jubilant if grating sounds of Florence and the Machine…