High Society: Marion
Part one can be read here Marion- Part Two …The door slammed shut behind her. She stood still while her eyes adjusted, the dimness making it nearly impossible to understand the room. She coughed a little from the hazy smoke and could tell she was standing in a big…
High Society: Part 7
MARION “It’s fine, Marco, please,” Marion sighed. She unpinned her brown hair and waved the bear of a man aside. Her hand accidentally smacked his chest. He was standing too close. “Does Mr Montgomery know about this?” His voice was stern and disapproving, but she knew better than…
High Society: Part 6
MELODY In retrospect, choosing the Cinderella umbrella was probably her first mistake considering what happened when the clock struck midnight in that particular fairytale- gallant horses turned back into mice and glittering white coaches turned back into pumpkins. “That’s what I am, a pumpkin. Or I’m about to be.” thought…
High Society: Part 5
DALTON Dalton was sure he had killed the cat. The stupid cat. It was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And now it lay there motionless on the road, right in front of Dalton’s house. Dalton, dressed in a new suit, his dark hair slicked back…
High Society Part 4
Ingrid Ingrid took a deep breath, clacking her high heels on the underground steps as she ascended. The crisp city air filled her nostrils and she thought about her cat, Aubrey. Aubrey was a stupid animal. The most ridiculous of domesticated cats, with long hair that got everywhere and lamp-like…