Feast Food Festival: 31st July – 3rd August
Feast @ Tobacco Dock Wapping 31st July – 3rd August Tickets After life began in 2012, Feast has gone from strength to strength bopping around London with its gang of street vendors. This summer the guys are heading back to East London in the trendy Tobacco Dock for another…
High Society: Melody Chapter 4
Melody’s face couldn’t tolerate a squint; squinting made her look confused and slightly demented. And so she sat in Margarine’s new ultra-modern office in Bloomsbury, so busy not squinting at the bright cavalcade of sunlight streaming in from the uncovered floor-to-ceiling windows, that she barely understood a word her manager…
Evans and Peel Detective Agency
The broad tells me to get to Earls Court station at six. Says she’s got me a surprise… that it’s got something with ‘Bainbridge’. She takes me down a side street off the beaten track. Just as I’m thinking, “What the hell is going on?” we stop outside ‘Evans and…
Rethinking Intelligence
Do we need to re-think our notion of ‘intelligence?’ How many times have you heard people describe David Beckham as ‘thick?’ Einstein is clever, David Beckham is thick, is how it seems to me to be the attitude towards intelligence. We don’t need to question Einstein’s intelligence, obviously, but I…
The White Building
Do you have a moustache (be you man or woman)? Are your sunglasses on and the sun not out? Are your sentences charmingly vague? Congratulations you’re a hipster and I’ve got a new place for you. Like all hipster hangouts, Hackney Wick is dilapidated, once industrial, neglected, there is lots of colourful graffiti .. there is…