High Society: Charlie Malbery Part II
Charlie Malbery Within thirty-five minutes Charlie had been slapped in the face six times. The slappers (in the literal sense) were Charlie’s various ex-girlfriends dotted around Pimlico. Quite why they were so angry vaguely boggled his uncurious mind – he’d only asked them if he could stay the night. Charlie’s…
High Society: Dalton
Dalton was in a foul mood. His leisurely breakfast ritual had been ruined by his housekeeper stocking the incorrect cupboards. As he searched his stylishly minimalist kitchen for his breakfast he received an irritatingly informal email from his irritatingly informal PA. His mood cheered as he planned the severity with…
High Society: Ingrid
The coffee pot was boiling over. Aubrey had knocked a tall vase of flowers from the kitchen table, drenching the floor in filmy ripe-smelling plant water and was tearing around the house in wide-eyed terrified glee. Music was blaring, spilling the jubilant if grating sounds of Florence and the Machine…
High Society: Marion
Part one can be read here Marion- Part Two …The door slammed shut behind her. She stood still while her eyes adjusted, the dimness making it nearly impossible to understand the room. She coughed a little from the hazy smoke and could tell she was standing in a big…
High Society: Part 7
MARION “It’s fine, Marco, please,” Marion sighed. She unpinned her brown hair and waved the bear of a man aside. Her hand accidentally smacked his chest. He was standing too close. “Does Mr Montgomery know about this?” His voice was stern and disapproving, but she knew better than…