Hate Manager Returns
*** Warning if this does not get you through the Bank Holiday blues then nothing will. Comedy at its best*** Apologies for my prolonged absence. Since I may or may not have murdered my Manager and framed the Customer Service Supervisor I’ve been a busy bee. I was promoted…
High Society: Melody Chapter 4
Melody’s face couldn’t tolerate a squint; squinting made her look confused and slightly demented. And so she sat in Margarine’s new ultra-modern office in Bloomsbury, so busy not squinting at the bright cavalcade of sunlight streaming in from the uncovered floor-to-ceiling windows, that she barely understood a word her manager…
High Society: Marion chapter 3
Read Part 1 and Part 2 Adrian was dead. A yell and running footsteps from across the warehouse stirred her. It felt as though her heart were cramping in her chest… a familiar feeling… and she leapt into action. She slipped off her cork wedges and dashed into the shadows,…
High Society: Albert Chapter 3
“Take me to the sea!” Albert shouted as he jumped into a taxi. Albert had become more impulsive with age, and why not indeed? Today he longed to stand on a pier and watch the waves crash against the rocks. He’d enjoyed doing this with his late wife for…
High Society: Ingrid
The coffee pot was boiling over. Aubrey had knocked a tall vase of flowers from the kitchen table, drenching the floor in filmy ripe-smelling plant water and was tearing around the house in wide-eyed terrified glee. Music was blaring, spilling the jubilant if grating sounds of Florence and the Machine…